Non-Surgical Blemish Removal is a very sought after a procedure involving the removal of Telangiectasia (red veins), Spider Naevi, Skin Tags, Blood Spots, Seborrhoeic Keratosis, Milia, Hairy Moles and Viral Warts using Advanced Electrolysis or Plasma Fibroblast. Skin blemishes can be very unsightly and often cause a loss of confidence. However, most can be removed or reduced safely without any scarring using advanced surgical electrolysis. Surgical electrolysis uses a tiny needle & electric current to treat the blemish.  The plasma deviced used is fitted with a small surgical probe which creates electrical energy that is then used to ionise the oxygen and nitrogen in the air to form a small electrical arc, Annihilating everything in it's path. Many of us suffer with minor skin blemishes that can affect our confidence, skin issues are much more common than many people would think, due to a combination of factors including ageing, UV Damage and certain health conditions.

Electrolysis has been used for more than 100 years to treat problems such as broken capillaries, spider naevi and warts. It has progressed dramatically with the ongoing development of modern technology and is a simple and safe technique. Electrolysis is used to successfully remove, visibly reduce and improve the appearance of unwanted skin blemishes, offering immediate and effective results.

How does it work?

Advanced Electrolysis is a treatment that uses a Thermolysis current and a very fine needle to either cauterise or lift away the superficial epidermis, depending on the type of blemish that is being treated.

Spider Veins (red veins): 
Commonly found on the face and neck they sit just below the skin surface, often containing a central red spot and reddish extensions which radiate outwards like a spider's web. They are common and may be benign, presenting in around 10-15% of healthy adults.
Cherry Angioma (blood spots):
Made up of clusters of tiny capillaries at the surface of the skin, forming a small round dome. They range in color from bright red to purple. Initially, they may be only a tenth of a millimeter in diameter and almost flat, appearing as small red dots. However, they then usually grow to about one or two millimeters across, and sometimes to a centimeter.
Skin Tags:
These are an overgrowth of skin cells. Most commonly found in areas that rub such as necklines, underarms and skin folds. Skin tags have a loose area of excess skin attached with a stalk and can vary greatly in size from a pinhead to broad bean.
Seborrhoeic Keratosis:
These are the only type of wart that is non-contagious. They are a symptom of aging, long-term sun damage, and genetics. They are found on the temples, sides of the face and upper body. They can vary in color from pale yellow to a very dark brown and resemble a ‘bran flake’ that has been stuck to the skin.
Sebaceous Cysts:
This blemish is a plug of sebum contained in a sebaceous sac under the skin that is blocked by an overgrowth of the surface epidermis. They vary in size dramatically and areas they appear most commonly are the face, chest, scalp, and back.
These are tiny hard keratinized ‘pearls’ which sit just under the surface of the skin. They vary in size from a tiny grain of sand to garden pea. The exact cause is unknown, but rich creams, too much Vitamin C and high cholesterol have all been apportioned blame.
Warts are small, non-cancerous, quite contagious growths caused by a strain of the human papillomas virus. There are various types of warts, including plane warts and common warts.


Frequently Asked Questions
  • Are there any risks with Advanced Electrolysis or Plasma Fibroblast?

    Advanced Electrolysis and the plasma is minimally invasive so doesn’t cause any bleeding and only a small amount of discomfort should be expected. The surrounding tissue is left undamaged. Immediately after your treatment the targeted area may appear red and slightly swollen and may feel warm.

    A crust may then appear on the surface of the skin and we advise all Advanced Electrolysis patients not to touch the treated area, but let the crusts fall off naturally, which should happen in the next week or so. If there is a sensation of itching this is to be expected and is the body’s healing response.

    If you are prone to keloid scarring or inflammatory pigmentation, then this treatment is not advised.

  • What results can I expect from Advanced Electrolysis and Plasma?

    A patient may require a number of sessions, depending on their specific skin condition and how large the treatment area is. We will advise you on what to expect at your initial consultation. Sessions are usually spaced a few weeks apart to allow the previously treated area to heal.

    The body will naturally eliminate the skin imperfection and the risk of scarring after Advanced Electrolysis is minimal if the aftercare instructions are followed carefully.

  • What areas can be treated?

    Any of these lesions can be unsightly and uncomfortable. Treatment is not available on the NHS as they are generally considered to be cosmetic. And over-the-counter treatments are often not effective.

    Skin Tags

    Thread Veins

    Small Cysts

    Milia (hard whiteheads)

    Age Spots

    Moles (non-cancerous)


    Stretch Marks



  • Prices


    Brown Spots Face - £100

    Vein Removal Face - £100

    Warts and Moles -£100

    Multiple blemishes, price will differ.

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